Print Media

A collection of printed works

“Massimo Vignelli” | Designer accordian, 2016

Tasked with researching the history of a renowned designer, I created this pamphlet to inform and educate about Massimo Vignelli’s life and his contributions to the world through his art. It features a blend of images and information, paying homage to his unique style, with the goal of artistically showcasing his techniques and design innovations. 

Social Awareness Campaign | “The End Zone”, 2016

“The End Zone" was a social cause campaign that leveraged design to raise awareness of the link between one of America’s largest sporting events and human trafficking. While high-profile events like the Super Bowl heighten the risk, they also present a critical opportunity to disrupt trafficking networks through awareness, prevention, and intervention.

“The End Zone" was printed and spiral-bound into a physical book, serving as a final product that illuminated the issue, deepened understanding, and engaged a targeted audience.

“Gérard Uféras; The fabric of dreams” | book design, 2017

This hardcover book was designed to showcase the photography of renowned French artist, designer, and fashion expert Gérard Uféras. Presented entirely in black and white, it accentuates the features of the models while emphasizing shadows, light, and angles. This project marked my introduction to book and photography design.

Typography concentration | poster, 2017

This typography poster showcases 'Kimberly,' the transitional broad-side serif typeface I designed. It features both uppercase and lowercase character sets, along with typeset words to demonstrate its application and visual appeal.